Frequently asked questions
When can I order for local Sat delivery or pickup?
For Cincinnati locals online 9-5 pm Monday- Friday for Saturday delivery only!
Where and who gets delivery?
Customers who purchase $50 or more products within a 10 mi radius get delivery.
Can I shop online?
Online shop is open. US shipping only.
How long will it take to get my Boujee goods?
Allow 2-3 days for fulfillment as product is hand-crafted. This does not include weekends. You will receive an email once items have been shipped. Basic ground is 2-9 days. We recommend to purchase tracking numbers.
*Please take into consideration COVID limitations
What do I do if I didn't get tracking?
Boujeebarskincare are not liable for packages once they leave with delivery carrier. We encourage customers to purchase tracking at check out. Contact your local carrier for missing packages.
Do you offer refunds?
Unfortunately, due to the nature of the product, we do not allow refund. As our small business grows we look forward to providing this service in the near future.
What happens if my body butter melts during shipping?
Disclaimer: Body butters are made with low melting oils, so during warmer months they may arrive melted despite our efforts. We are not liable. Body butters may change state but not chemistry therefore, it is still good to use! Simply let it sit at room temperature and or in the refrigerator. The integrity of ingredients aren't compromised. At the end of the day, it is still great oil that can be used!